Posts from November 2011

Ted spread is not spiking yet

Posted: November 21st, 2011
Categories: Financial Conditions
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The abyss scenario

This is Edward Hugh on what I call “The Abyss Scenario”, which has much in common with Edward Harrison’s Monetization Inevitability Hypothesis. So we have the last “alternative” which is simply that markets push the issue to the limit, the centre does not hold (Germany, for example could be threatened with being stripped of its […]

Posted: November 20th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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Roubini sees only one way out

Roubini writes in FT’s The A-List: Only if the ECB became an unlimited lender of last resort and cut policy rates to zero, combined with a fall in the value of the euro to parity with the dollar, plus a fiscal stimulus in Germany and the eurozone core while the periphery implements austerity, could we […]

Posted: November 20th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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Los mercados y yo sí

Draghi el día 18 de noviembre dio un discurso en el cual se ufanó de la credibilidad construida por el BCE en materia de estabilidad de precios y advirtió que es difícil y lento establecer credibilidad y fácil y rápido perderla. Gaining credibility is a long and laborious process. Maintaining it is a permanent challenge. […]

Posted: November 20th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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La política monetaria de hoy en Inglaterra y Japón

Inglaterra: informe trimestral sobre la inflación El informe completo está aquí. Pero esta página tiene todas las opciones de vínculos, incluyendo el video de la conferencia de prensa. Japón: decisión de política monetaria Comunicado. No hubo cambio ni en la tasa (obviamente) ni en el tamaño de su programa de relajamiento cuantitativo. The Bank has […]

Posted: November 16th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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Merkel, Bundesbank, prefieren una mayor integración fiscal

Si leen sobre Merkel aquí y a Weidmann aquí, verán que líderes alemanes tanto en Bundesbank como en el partido de Angela Merkel (aunque no en todos los partidos de su coalición) prefieren resolver la contradicción de unión monetaria sin unión fiscal por la vía de una mayor integración fiscal. En particular, por la vía […]

Posted: November 15th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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Best articulation I’ve seen on Big Bazooka Inevitability Hypothesis

Edward Harrison’s on Credit Writedowns.

Posted: November 15th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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Article 123 of the Lisbon Treaty is quite clear

In an interview reproduced in edited form by FT yesterday, Bundesbank President en ECB Governing Council member Jens Weidmann said this about the ECB’s legal mandate in relation to proposals that the ECB print euros to make unlimited purchases of the debt of countries being attacked by runs and thus sustain a target interest rate […]

Posted: November 15th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
Comentarios: 3 comentarios.

Was Bundesbank Weidmann making a thinly veiled threat? Barclays thinks so.

Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, who sits on the ECB Governing Council, is quoted by FT yesterday as saying that “monetary financing will set the wrong incentives, neglect the root causes of the problem, violate the legal foundations on which we work, and destroy the credibility and trust in institutions… Fixing an interest rate for a […]

Posted: November 15th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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Informe sobre la Inflación T3 (Banxico) confirma nuestro pronóstico

El miércoles 9 noviembre, Banxico publicó su Informe sobre la Inflación del tercer trimestre. El banco central revisó a la baja su pronóstico para el crecimiento en el PIB a 3.5-4.0% (desde 3.5-4.5%) para 2011 y 3.0-4.0% (desde 3.5-4.5%) para 2012. Con el siguiente párrafo, se confirmó nuestro pronóstico de -25pb a 4.25% para la […]

Posted: November 12th, 2011
Categories: Uncategorized
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