Portugal tendrá un año adicional para cumplir objetivo de déficit

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

El lunes, los ministros de finanzas de la zona del euro (Eurogrupo) aprobaron su parte del pago de rescate a Portugal. El martes, los ministros de la Unión Europea entera (Ecofin) aceptaron otorgar a Portugal un año más (hasta 2014) para corregir su déficit. Nuevos objetivos de déficit fiscal: 5.0% en 2012, 4.5% en 2013 y 2.5% en 2014.


This follows the fifth review by the troika (the Commission and the IMF, in liaison with the European Central Bank) of progress by Portugal in implementing its economic adjustment programme. The troika agreed on 11 September to extend by one year the deadline for Portugal to bring its budget deficit below 3% of GDP. The agreement was welcomed by the Eurogroup at a meeting in Nicosia on 14 September. It is understood that the extension of the timeline will not increase Portugal’s financing needs.

According to the Commission’s economic outlook for Portugal, real GDP is expected to contract by 3 % in 2012. For both 2013 and 2014, it has been revised downward by about 1 percentage point, to around -1 % and +1 % respectively.

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