Habrá elecciones en Grecia

Genevieve Signoret & Patrick Signoret

El último intento por parte del presidente Papoulias por formar un gobierno, aunque fuera otro gobierno tecnócrata interino, fracasó, y no parece haber otra opción más que convocar a nuevas elecciones en junio (Kathimerini).

Greece is heading to new general elections after a last-ditch effort by Greek President Karolos Papoulias on Tuesday to form a government came to an impasse with the leaders of the five parties elected to Parliament (barring the Communist Party and Chrysi Avgi) failing to reach an agreement.

The breakdown of talks for a unity government or for an administration composed of non-political individuals following a fragmented result from general elections on May 6, means that Greece will have to appoint a caretaker administration until a date is set for a new round of elections.

The five parties are split into two distinct but disparate camps, with New Democracy and PASOK insisting that Greece needs to conform to the terms of the bailout deal signed with its lenders, and SYRIZA and Independent Greeks — from opposite sides of the political spectrum — proposing a complete abolition of the memorandum despite fears that such a move could lead to Greece’s ouster from the euro area. Democratic Left has said that it will support any coalition of the two sides that ensures Greece’s position in the eurozone with better lending terms.

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